Battery Charger & Batteries




Charger Description
The SM82 is a highly efficient high performance charger. The very smooth output is configured for accurate fast charging, optimum battery life and reliability. The charger is designed to cater for continuous float charging and standby battery applications. Due to its very smooth output (<1% ripple) the charger is suitable for sealed or vented batteries. e.g. Nickel Cadmium (NiCd), Lead Acid sealed (VRLA), vented and plante cells.

Switch mode technology is a major advance in power supply and battery charger design. Giving low heat dissipation compact low weight design and ease of panel installation via din rail. Utilising the benefits of switch mode, the charger will give a constant current output up to its knee point (13 Volts on a 12 Volt LA) and then ramp down to its float voltage. This gives an optimum charge time to ensure that the battery voltage is maintained at the pre-calibrated float level, Whist supply any additional standing load current up to a specified maximum.


BOOST option
A 'boost' mode of operation provides increased voltage output. Selection of boost mode is via two terminals, allowing activation by a time delay relay or switch. A calibration table overleaf shows details of float and boost voltages.


Charger fail option
A self diagnostic 'charge fail' circuit and relay out-put is provided standard. The volt free relay de-energises in the event of a charging fault. Electrical connection of the AC supply, DC output and charge fail relay are via shrouded screw terminals.


Battery Description

1). Designation System

The designation of a battery pack is compased of 5 code numbers each of them are used to identify different information:

  1. The number of single cells  in pack
  2. The mode number of the single cells
  3. The configuration
  4. The tag type OR if wires are used
  5. The direction or the tags / wires OR if connector is used

The sequence of code follows the above information flow: An example of such designation method is shown below;

The coding system of configuration, tag type, tag direction; etc, are explained in the following section.


1.1). Tag Direction




If connector is required, the code "C" is used.

Below are some standard models of connector we can supply.

     (1) JST LR-02F-1

     (2) JST EHR-2

     (3) MOLEX 5264-02

     (4) MITSUNI R14-62102



1.2). Standard Tag Type






If no tag is needed, code 3 can be used.

If there are special requirements on the tags or wires, please inform


1.3). Standard configuration for battery packs







A drawing of the configuration will always be welcomed.

If the configuration falls out of the above standard once, a code X can be given to identify its uniqueness.


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